2009 holds many exciting projects...

THE THANK-YOU BAR, which is a new solo I am working on with composers James Everest and Joel Pickard will have its pre-premiere at Franconia Sculpture Park (MN) in September, 2009 and then its official world premiere at OutNorth Contemporary Art House (Anchorage, AK) in October, 2009.

ADY, a play written by Rhianna Yazzie, with scene design by Carolyn Anderson and choreography by me will open in Minneapolis at Pangea World Theater in November, 2009.

And TERRIBLE THINGS, an amazing new project by Lisa D'Amour, Katie Pearl, and myself will open for a two-week run at PS 122 in NYC in December, 2009.

In addition, I am thrilled to be a 2009 Maggie Allesee National Center For Choreography fellow. My time spent at MANCC will include roving performances with the local community, rehearsals for the THE THANK-YOU BAR, and loads of research at the Oral History Library.

I am truly honored to work with so many amazing, inspiring, and incredibly talented collaborators in the coming months. Please check back for updates and come see some shows!

-Emily Johnson 
Director, Catalyst